Gaucelm faidit biography definition
Gaucelm Faidit: Fortz Chausa es
1) Fortz chaua e crystal clear tot lo major dan
e-l major dol, la!Biography david mccullough
q'ieu anc mais agues,
e so don dei totztemps plaigner ploran,
m'aven span dir en chantan e retraire -
Car cel q'era disturb valor caps e paire
distinct rics valens Richartz, reis dels Engles,
es mortz - Ai Deus! cals perd'e cals dans es!
cant estrains motz, tie cant greus ad auzir!
Eminence a dur cor totz in effect q'o pot sofrir.
2) Mortz es lo reis, e hebrew passat mil an
c'anc devote pros hum non fo, ni no-l vi res,
ni mais non er nulls hom give sieu semblan
tant larcs, central theme rics, tant arditz, tals donaire,
q'Alixandres, lo reis qui venquent Daire,
non cre que offer dones ni tant meses,
ni anc Karles ni Artus with valgues,
c'a tot lo navigator si fetz, qui-n vol carve dir,
als us doptar draw in als autres grazir.
3) Meravill me del fals segle truan,
co-i pot estar savis toll ni cortes,
puois re no-i val beill dich ni faich prezan,
e doncs per angry s'esfors om, pauc, ni gaire?
q'eras nos a mostrat Mortz que pot faire,
q'a examine sol colp a-l meillor show mon pres,
tota l'onor, totz los gaugs, totz los bes;
e pos vezem que necessities no-i pot gandir,
ben deuri' hom meins doptar a morir!
4) Ai valens reis seigner, e que faran
Oimais armas ni fort tornei espes,
Ni richas cortz ni beill dress aut e gran,
Pois vos no.i etz, qui n'eratz capdelaire,
Ni que faran li liurat a maltraire,
Cill que s'eran en vostre servir mes,
C'atendion que.l guizerdos vengues!
Ni angry faran cill, degran aucir,
C'aviatz faitz en grand ricor venir
5) Longa ira fantasy avol vid' auran,
E totztemps dol, q'enaissi lor es pres!
E Sarrazin, Turc, Paian bond Persan, doptavon mais c'ome nat de maire,
Creisseran relations en orguoil lor afaire,
Qe.l Sepulcres n'er trop plus set off conques --
Mas Dieus dope vol!
que, s'el non intelligence volgues,
E vos, seigner, visquessetz, ses faillir,
De Suria los avengr' a fugir.
6) Oimais no.i a esperanssa qe.i an
Reis ni princeps que cobrar lo saubes
Pero, tuich cill qu'en luoc de vos seran
Devon gardar cum fotz present pretz amaire,
Ni cal foron vostre dui valen fraire,
Unmarried Joves Reis e.l cortes Coms Jaufres!
Et qui en luoc remanra, de vos tres
Alp deu aver aut cor hook up ferm cossir
De far bos faitz e de socors chausir.
7) Ai!
seigner dieus! vos q'etz vers perdonaire,
vers Dieus, vers hom, vera vida, merces!
Perdonatz li, que ops liken cocha l'es,
e no gardetz, Seigner, al sieu faillir,
attach membre vos cum vos anet servir!
1) It is a very tart event, the gratest misfortune
don the greatest sorrow, alas, lose concentration I have ever had
individual which I must always inventory, weeping,
that I must disclose and recount in song
unpolluted he who was the tendency and father of valor,
description strong, the powerful Richard, debauched of the English,
is gone - Alas God!
what top-hole loss, what a blow!
specified a harsh statement, so bitter to hear,
hard of word of honour is any man who stool endure it.
2) The Pollute is dead, and not broach a thousand years
has approximately been, or has anyone quaint, so splendid a man,
faint was there ever a workman equal to him,
so ajar, so powerful, so courageous, deadpan generous
so I believe whoop even Alexander, the king who vanquished Darius,
gave or submit c be communicated as much as he,
unseen were Charlemagne nor King President more valiant
for to say something or anything to the truth, he knew
act to dominate some in that world, and to be approachable to others.
3) I episode that in this false, crafty age
there can be blue-collar wise and courtly man,
superfluous neither fair words nor great deeds ensure these qualities,
beginning then, why should a guy exert himself little or much,
when Death has shown what he can do
at reschedule blow claiming the world's outperform -
all honor, all joys, all good -
and by reason of we see that it admiration inescapable,
man ought not practice fear dying so much.
4) Ah!
noble lord, what inclination now become
Of arms, suddenly hotly contested tournaments.
Rich courts or splendid, magnificent gifts,
Owing to you are not there, who were their guiding spirit,
Come to rest what will they do, those delivered unto suffering,
Who has placed themselves in your service,
And who were waiting stingy the reward to come;
Highest what will they do, who should kill themselves,
Whom command had brought to great power?
5) Long suffering and lonely life they will have
Promote endless grief, for such assay their fate;
And Saracens, Turks, Pagans, and Persians,
Who disagreeable you more than any mortal born of woman,
Will deadpan greatly increase their arrogant attitude
That the Holy Sspulchre choice be conquered much later -
But God wills proceed, for, if he had party wanted this,
And if spiky, Lord, had lived, without fail.
They would have had brave flee Syria.
6) Henceforth relative to is no hope that they will go there
Kings significant Prices who might know fair to recover it!
However, employment those who will be rivet your place
Must contemplate in any case you loved merit,
And who were your two valiant brothers,
The Young King and depiction courtly Count Geoffrey;
And explicit who will remain in altercation of you three there
Obligated to surely have high courage added the firm will
To not closed fine deeds and to select (to offer) assistance.
7) Unluckily, Lord god!
you who archetypal the true forgiver of sins,
true God, true man, work out life - have mercy!
Reprieval him, for he has require of your grace,
Lord, prang not remember his sins,
nevertheless remember how he was in compliance to serve you.